Posts by mizwrite
THE KISS ON CASTLE ROAD Is Available for Preorder
A new series is starting! Book 1 in the brand-new Lavender Island series — THE KISS ON CASTLE ROAD — is now available for preorder from! What do preorders mean? That means if you preorder the paperback edition or the audio book now, your book will be shipped so you’ll have it on launch day, January 1, 2016. Or,...
THE RED BIKINI Won a Literary Fiction Award!
Yay! The Red Bikini was selected by reader judges as a HOLT Award of Merit recipient for outstanding literary fiction in the Mainstream / Single Title category! As a HOLT Award of Merit recipient, my name and book title will also appear in a full page ad in the September issue of RWR. My little book isn’t breaking any sales records, but...
Book Signing: I’ll Be in Brea on May 2
So I have an appearance this week! I’ll be at the Brea Library this Saturday, May 2, talking about writing and publishing, and signing Ten Good Reasons and The Red Bikini. It’ll probably be just me, my mom, a few friends, and their moms, but we’re sure to have a good time! I told my 15 yo son I wasn’t...
Another 2-Book Deal!
Time for celebration! *cue confetti and champagne corks* My lovely agent Jill Marsal helped get me another 2-book deal! This one to Montlake Romance, which is the publishing arm of Amazon. Here’s the official announcement that ran in Publisher’s Marketplace today: March 20– SOLD! Lauren Christopher’s [THE KISS ON CASTLE ROAD], in which a young woman having a quarter-century...
RT Book Reviews Magazine Gives TEN GOOD REASONS 4.5 Stars!
Well, this is uber-exciting! RT Book Reviews magazine gave TEN GOOD REASONS 4.5 stars (its highest number — kind of a long story, but they only give 4.5 stars in memory of their founder). Here’s the review: TEN GOOD REASONS Lauren Christopher ***1/2 HOT Christopher has done it again. This is a classy, straight-up romance with a good...